Glass Cutting

From plexiglass to various glass strengths, we can cut you any size, big or small! Just bring in your desired measurements and we can get you a piece cut in just minutes!

Chain and Blade Sharpening

As one of our top services, we offer chain saw chain and mower blade sharpening! Drop off your items and we will give you a call after our services are complete.

Hydraulic Hoses

Need a custom-made hydraulic hose? Need to repair or fix a broken or damaged one? Bring it in and let us assemble you a new one! Stop in for immediate service today.

Screen Repair

Animals, weather, and daily wear and tear can do a number on your screen doors and windows. Bring in your broken or damaged item and we can repair your screen within days. Pick from our plentiful selection of screen to ensure you get exactly what you are looking for.

Call us at (517) 524- 8311 for more details and pricing on any of these services.